
The "Trade Eye"

   I see it all the time; hate. Every time a movie is made  about an IP with a huge fan base, there are always rumblings and doubts. I get the skepticism coming from the average/die hard non industry consumers. But what happens is (and I noticed it all the time) that industry folks are bashing the movie. Don't me wrong, I get it. At the end of the day we're all fans and we want the things we grew up watching to be done right. But to think that industry folks would know better.  I see many of them bashing the designs,  and I understand because it's natural to them. They have the industry "trade eye". I find myself doing the same thing sometimes. But at the end of the day, the bottom line is all that matters. The goal is for the film studio to reach as much audience as it can. The regular consumers, the parents who will be taking their kids to see the movie will not give a shit about how well the characters are designed or how excellent the cinematography was. They don't have the trade eye. Regular consumers make decisions a lot simpler. 

At the end of the day, Film studios are not in the business to please and make movies for industry folks. If they did, it would always tank.